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LuxSci Can Keep HIPPA Boring
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) provides national standards for the protection of individual patient’s medical records and other personal health-related information. The best thing you can do for your practice or clinic is take...

Take Care Of Your Customers By Taking Care Of Yourself
An immense challenge prevents immense opportunity and the coronavirus (COVID-19) is no exception. Entrepreneurs and businesses who rise to the challenge and embrace the opportunity to innovate will emerge stronger as our lives and the business cycle return to...

Your New Year’s Resolution: Capture The Search Traffic
Whew. 2019 was sure a doozy. Good thing you can take some time to relax during the holidays and then take the month of January to think about your 2020 plans, right? Wrong. If that’s your plan you are planning to miss out on the best time of year to attract new...

What 2020’s Search Trends Mean For You
It’s almost impossible to believe but 2019 is quickly coming to a close. We’re just a few days away from singing Auld Lang Syne while sipping the bubbly and watching the ball drop. 2020 can be your best year ever but to make it happen you need to know what consumers...
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