
Algorithms Aren’t Sexy, But Digital Results Make For A Handsome Bottom Line

Google algorithms, PPC analytics, click through rates, blah, blah, blah.

Look, I get it. No one is excited about the idea of managing an algorithm and I mean no one. However, the way people buy has forever changed, and that includes the way people choose healthcare providers. It is no longer optional for medical professionals and health care businesses to have a sound digital strategy in place to compete in today’s landscape.

You can rely on my team at Humanus Marketing to handle all of your digital marketing strategy, execution, and ongoing maintenance so you can focus on doing what you do best: helping your patients and growing your bottom line.

I provide efficient, cost-effective digital services that integrate all aspects of digital marketing into one easy-to-manage tool, including:

  • Local SEO optimization
  • Customer review generation and reputation management
  • Google My Business setup
  • Google AdWords pay-per-click advertising
  • Social media optimization and paid social advertising

Social Media: Another Way To Forge A Human Connection With Your Audience

Going digital doesn’t mean losing the ability to connect with your audience on a human level. You can use social media to share the day-to-day happenings at your clinic in a way a website simply cannot. You can share posts that provide insight into your thinking on the issues that matter to your patients and you can share pictures that shine a light on the real, compassionate professionals who take pride in their work and strive to improve the lives of your patients.

Are you ready to reap the benefits of a sound digital marketing strategy? I’m ready to learn about your practice and help you achieve your goals. Contact me today to sit down and get a feel for where you’re at and start planning for where you want to go.


"Let Kristina know where you want to be and she will get you there. Kristina's energy and focus were impressive. She was tireless about accomplishing goals within very tight timelines while connecting with staff and engaging them to align with organizational objectives. She is able to address conflict effectively and efficiently. She has access to a wide spectrum of resources to meet client needs and was able to address a range of issues including marketing, workflow, HR, office space redesign, and construction."

Tim Quesnell, Partner, Healthcare Management Resources 

"Kristina brings a unique blend of positive enthusiasm, most-current marketing knowledge, higher level connection awareness, and a drive for results that nearly guarantees an incredible result. She is able to simultaneously absorb what her clients are thinking, feeling, and needing, while analyzing at a much higher level what can be generated to deliver solutions well beyond what the recipient even knew they needed."

Allan Cotrone, Vice-President Enrollement - University of St. Thomas 

"Kristina has been instrumental in assisting our medical group with a complete redesign of our website. Additionally, she has been key helping us to develop a succinct, cost-effective marketing plan specific to our highly specialized medical sub-specialty. She interacts well with me as well as our physicians, resulting in a positive, collaborative business relationship."

Kenneth Agustin Palattao, Chief Operating Officer at Center for Reproductive Medicine & Advanced Reproductive Technologies

"In a competitive industry some people are easy to work with and others have talent. It is rare that you come across someone with both. From our first project together, working with Kristina Hansen has been an incredible experience. She is a powerhouse of knowledge, energy and positivity. Her experience in the business and her desire to always improve makes her a strong asset to any team. The moment I met her, I saw the “win” in her, and I know you will too. She is a fighter in every area of her life and expects only the best from the beginning of her day to the end. Collaborating with her means having someone on the front lines seeing the potential of every project. Kristina is everything you are looking for."

Theresa Hertling, Co-Owner @ Dravallo

"Kristina was an absolute joy to work with on revamping our fertility clinic's website. She provided on target design options that were not overwhelming and yet left room for my input to modify and tweak along the way. Her response times were unheard of swift! She always provided openness and a willingness to work with my ideas and was not shy to push-back (appropriately!) when needed. In the end the collaboration led to a terrific website for our clinic that is still fresh and user friendly. Everyone loves it and it's a testament to Kristina's leadership and talents!"

Dan Lebovic, Reproductive Endocrinologist/Fertility Specialist at Center for Reproductive Medicine 


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