Working with an executive coach is an outstanding way to keep your skills sharp and find solutions for the complex issues facing today’s corporate executive. Unfortunately, the only way to unlock the benefits of having an executive coach is to choose the right one for you. The following guide can help you make the right choice as you search for an executive coach who can help you reach the next level of maintain your spot at the pinnacle of your career.

Experience. Experience. Experience.

The importance of experience cannot be stressed enough. There are already countless textbooks and biographies of successful business executives you can turn to for inspiration. You need an executive coach with real, hands-on experience.  Does your coach have real business experience? Don’t be afraid to ask for references and see how their coaching has helped others in the past.

Can You Make A Real Connection?

As you know, I’m all about making a real human connection at Humanus Marketing. The same applies to choosing an executive coach. You don’t have to be in 100% agreement on everything; in fact, being challenged is one of the benefits of having an executive coach. However, you do need to find a coach who will listen to you and be a match for your culture.  This includes finding a coach or coaching firm that can be flexible in order to meet your needs, both human and financial.

Training & Certifications

Once you’ve found some coaching candidates with real experience that will be a culture fit, training and certifications can be a good way to narrow the field. Do they have specific training or certifications in areas that are directly applicable to your field?

How Do They Measure Progress?

In order for there to be accountability for your coach’s work there must be a way to measure the results. You need to make sure a prospective coach’s plan has a beginning, middle, and end and that the success of their coaching can be measured in a way that provides value to you. What are your goals and what will it look like when those goals are achieved?

Final Thoughts

Executive coaching is one of the best business investments you can make, but it’s important to realize that, unlike other items on your balance sheets, there is a real human factor that must be considered as you search for the right coach. Take your time upfront, ask the key questions, ensure the optimal match, and be prepared to measure results.

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