“It’s not personal, it’s just business.”

It’s an expression you’ve likely heard before and it’s been used for decades to excuse everything from cold detachment to borderline-illegal behavior. If you career involves people it’s an expression that should never leave your lips.

At Humanus Marketing I have built my career and reputation on making a real human connection with people, whether those people are my clients or their clients. I don’t have the luxury of being cold and detached, as people ARE my business. I have to reach them in order to connect them to my clients

Here’s a connection exercise to try:

  • Grab your phone charger cord (I know there’s one nearby).

Got it? Good.

  • Now, go over to an open space on the wall and try plugging it in.

Didn’t work, did it? That’s because you need a port that will accept the connection. Without it your charging cord is worthless and can’t connect to a power source to fuel your device.

This is the same way marketing to people works (or doesn’t). Whether you are marketing yourself as a medical professional or your products and services are very personal in nature (medical devices, legal help, counseling, etc.), you must be willing to make yourself vulnerable and show your clients that you not only have a solution for their problems but can empathize with their needs as a fellow human being.

The bottom line: you must be willing to make a real human connection if you want to reach real human customers in a world where business IS personal.

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