The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) provides national standards for the protection of individual patient’s medical records and other personal health-related information.

The best thing you can do for your practice or clinic is take steps to make sure that HIPAA remains as boring as the previous sentence.

Let us explain.

When HIPAA gets exciting, it means bad things for reputation and viability of your clinic. Accusation of HIPAA violations can lead to unhappy patients, a poor reputation in the community, lawsuits, and financial penalties. In extreme cases, HIPAA issues could result in the loss of your clinic or practice.

The best way to avoid HIPAA excitement is to make sure you have a dependable partner handling HIPAA complaints so you can quickly get back to focusing on the issues that matter most to you and your practice.

We use the LusSci platform to manage HIPAA complaint forms for our clients. We are excited to let you know that LuxSci has achieved HITRUST CSF Certification, the gold standard and most widely adopted security framework in the healthcare industry.

By placing your HIPAA needs in our hands, you can make an investment in keeping HIPAA boring for your clinic or practice.

We look forward to being your partner.

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