Everything comes full circle.

Don’t believe me? Then why on earth has your teenager started a vinyl record collection in 2019 despite the availability of millions of songs on their smartphone? I rest my case.

Human beings are unique creatures; we need touch, warmth, and a real connection with other members of our species. No matter how technologically advanced we become we will always eventually drift back to the human connection that is hardwired into our DNA. It’s what makes us unique from most other animals on the planet.

There is no industry more personal than the healthcare industry – or, at least it should be that way. Unfortunately, the healthcare industry has gotten about as far away from personable as possible.

Think about it:

  • When’s the last time you spent more than five minutes in a room with your doctor?
  • When’s the last time you felt your nurse or doctor was actively listening to you?
  • When’s the last time you spoke to a real person on the phone BEFORE having to dial a series of numbers to navigate a “customer service” menu?
  • When’s the last time someone recognized your face and knew your name when you walked through the doors of the clinic?

It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? I believe the use of digital technology in health care has reached its peak and is due to begin moving back toward real human connection that patients crave. The costs of peak technology – mental health issues such as anxiety, patient dissatisfaction, and physician turnover – are too high for the status quo to continue.

The best way for physicians and clinic owners to differentiate themselves is to get ahead of the curve and create an experience that values human touch. Create an experience for patients that puts them in contact with their doctors and allows them to have a real conversation where they are listened to by someone they trust to safeguard their wellbeing. Create a scheduling process that is simple and allows them to form a relationship with the clinic staff. Create a billing process that is transparent. Today’s patients will settle for nothing less.

As stated in the report 7 Forces Impacting The 2020 Health Engagement Experience, “rising costs and greater choice are driving healthcare consumerism. That means healthcare organizations must create consumer experiences that meet expectations driven by people’s experiences with other industries such as retail and finance.”

The good news is that you have a partner in making it happen. I look forward to learning more about the challenges you face and creating a personalization strategy for overcoming them.

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