Your organization, product, or service has received a negative review. This presents you with a wonderful opportunity.

“Are you nuts?”

A little, but hear me out. A negative review is an opportunity to respond to client concerns in a constructive way. It’s a chance to show potential clients how you interact with your patients and customers.

Users understand that no organization is perfect and will actually expect to see something other than a perfect string of five-star reviews. They will appreciate the opportunity to see your customer service in action.

Did You Know? Disneyland – “The Happiest Place on Earth – receives one-star reviews despite an overall rating of 4.6 stars. You cannot guarantee that all your customers will be happy. You CAN control how you treat them and how you take advantage of the opportunity a negative review provides.

Tips For Responding To a Negative Review

  • Take a deep breath or even “sleep on it” before responding. NEVER respond while upset.
  • Write a short, non-confrontational reply that directly addresses the issues raised by the review.
  • Sincerely apologize and, if possible, offer to make things right.
  • Thank the customer for their business and for taking the time to provide you with feedback.
  • Provide reassurance by explaining how the issue has been resolved or will be resolved.
  • Avoid including your business name or location in the review (search engines may prioritize such reviews).

Response Template


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are sorry for your experience so far. We have [details on solution] and, if you need further assistance, please contact us directly at [phone number].

We value our relationship with you and welcome any further feedback you have.

Thank you,

[Name and Position]

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