An immense challenge prevents immense opportunity and the coronavirus (COVID-19) is no exception. Entrepreneurs and businesses who rise to the challenge and embrace the opportunity to innovate will emerge stronger as our lives and the business cycle return to normalcy. 

As you take charge to find solutions to your short-term challenges and look for ways to support your staff and serve your customers during this pandemic, it’s crucial not to lose sight of how important it is to care for yourself. After all, if you don’t take care of yourself you will not be in a position to serve your staff or customers. 

Here are some tips for taking care of yourself during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Heed The Warnings of Medical Experts

Pay attention to what the CDC and your state and local authorities are recommending. Steps you can take now include working remotely and practicing social distancing in order to reduce the opportunity for virus transmission and “flatten the curve” of infection. 

In addition to taking steps to flatten the curve and help society at large, simple steps like washing your hands frequently can help prevent the chances of catching the virus yourself. 

Above all else, stay home as much as possible. 

Create A Routine

Speaking of staying home, chances are you will be working out of your home for the foreseeable future. Working at home can be incredibly difficult for people who are used to the structure and camaraderie of an office setting. 

While you can’t invite all of your usual coworkers into your home during the pandemic, you can create structure and routine for yourself. Important steps include creating a dedicated office or workspace in your home, scheduling breaks as you would in the office, and choosing a starting and ending point for your workday so you can maintain work-life balance. 

Use programs such as Slack, Jabber, or Teams to keep in touch with your colleagues and keep lines of communication open. Speaking of communication, give your loved ones a call or write a letter to a dear friend. Socialization is important in this moment of isolation the pandemic has necessitated. 

This Too Shall Pass

Things will eventually return to something close to normal. In the meantime it’s important to rise to the challenge and use this time as an opportunity to chart a successful course for your future. Watch this space throughout the month for more helpful tips for coming out of this stronger than ever before.  

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