Whew. 2019 was sure a doozy. Good thing you can take some time to relax during the holidays and then take the month of January to think about your 2020 plans, right?


If that’s your plan you are planning to miss out on the best time of year to attract new patients and get existing patients walking back through your doors.

Healthcare related searches jump 17% in January. The start of the New Year is a time of hope when everyone thinks “this year is going to be the year” that they finally stick with their resolutions and become the best versions of themselves.

Three of the top 10 New Year’s resolutions are health-related, providing clinics and healthcare providers an opportunity to strike while the iron is hot. In order, those three resolutions are:

  • Exercise more
  • Lose weight
  • Quit smoking

Attempts to follow these resolutions can provide a boost of potential patients early in the year as well as collateral traffic throughout the year. For example, someone attempting to quickly go from being a couch potato to an avid runner is at a higher risk to suffer injuries, opening the door to orthopedists and sports injury clinics. Someone who attempts to quit smoking may need to see a dietitian later in the year as they reap the rewards of replacing “lung cookies” with chocolate chip cookies.

How You Can Position Yourself To Profit From The New Year’s Health Rush

In order to wrangle your share of the New Year’s resolution health traffic you need to provide relative content to potential clients. This relevant content can come in many forms, including:

  • Blog posts about weight loss, smoking cessation, or fitness
  • Sharing engaging content on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram
  • Participating in podcasts that you host on your website and share on social media
  • Adding topical FAQ pages to your practice’s website
  • Creating new content that highlights weight loss or smoking cessation programs at your clinic

You can hit the ground running in 2020 by investing in your marketing program now. Humanus Marketing can show you the way.

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